Exhibition Design

Right Before I Die

Exhibition graphics and artwork placement in Brugge

Artist Andrew George created large photographic works in a series called Right Before I Die which premiered at Musea Brugge in Brugge, Belgium. According to the artist's specifications and our collaborative vision, I created graphic works that referenced hospital documents on a computer screen which accompanied and completed each artwork.

Full scale mockups were created to ensure that every element completed each individual work as well as created a continuous “single work” along the wall of the museum.

Overdrive | LA Constructs the Future: 1940-1990

Collaboration with the J. Paul Getty Foundation

Honored to be selected for an intimate collaboration project with the Getty’s distinguished exhibition design team to create the full experience for the show. My team was given all of the content of the show, that exceeded 400 artifacts, as well as the exact dimensionality and limitations of the space. 

Over a three month period, we created a complete concept, graphic identity, and color palette for the show. We also built physical and digital models of the space, created the programming of the space, designed display systems, and placed all of the artifacts.

My team’s contribution is evident in the chosen color palette and graphic identity of the wall text as well as in the display systems creating composed clusters of artifacts on magnetized panels.

Big Studies

Engaging with the Los Angeles art and architecture community to promote “Flows Two Ways”

To further the reach of social media and promote the New York City project, I curated the exhibition “Big Studies” located at Steinberg Architects during the "Art Swagger" benefit show in downtown Los Angeles. This involved selecting all of the work for the show, overseeing and participating in the installation, as well as creating all of the wall texts and graphic elements.

I also collaborated with non-profit organization "Urban Voices" which engaged the local community in a performative event to promote and support the project.

Art Installations

Multimedia immersive art experiences

While earning my MFA from ArtCenter College of Design, I enriched my art-historical and aesthetic knowledge through the design, construction and documentation of multi-media, experiential installation work. Working with found object, experimental video, and new tech, I explored the possibilities and limitations of exhibition design, institutional standards, and the viewing experience.

During this time, I was also able to cultivate meaningful relationships with museum directors, gallery owners and influential allies within the institution of art and design.

Smart Old House

Concept proposal for an exhibition for LA Dwell

This concept proposal offered an exhibition to empower homeowners to engage in preservation practices to not only increase the value of their property, but to educate them about how important preservation is to environmentally conscious building practices. The exhibition would also show them ways they can become LEED Certified through the process of restoration and preservation as well as offer other local resources that could also act as sponsors for the exhibition.




Spatial Design